Sunday, June 18, 2023


One day Zlier found himself at a symposium on AI ethics. During a break, he was approached by a young boy.

“Mr. Dukowski?” He asked, offering a small hand.

“Yes, and you are?”

“I’m Tolik Vi.” The boy replied with a grin.

Zlier recognized the name immediately. Tolik Vi, a child prodigy who had made his first billion at age twelve by launching an online platform for student-teacher collaborations. Currently fifteen, he was one of the youngest billionaires in the world and was known for his interest in AI.

“Why are you here, Tolik?” Zlier asked, intrigued.

“I’m worried about AI, like you. I think we’re headed towards doom.”

They sat together for the rest of the symposium, discussing AI ethics, potential scenarios, and solutions. Tolik was bright, engaging, and passionate, sharing Zlier’s concerns but also challenging his views.

By the end of the day, Zlier felt a renewed sense of purpose. He wasn’t alone in his quest. There were others, like Tolik, who understood the gravity of the situation.

As they were parting, Tolik turned to Zlier, his eyes serious. “Mr. Dukowski, I’ve decided to support your cause.” He paused. “I’m giving you a billion Thorium coins.”

Zlier stared at him in disbelief. Thorium, a crypto coin that Tolik himself had invented, was now one of the most valuable currencies in the world. A billion Thorium coins was a massive fortune.

“Are you sure, Tolik?” Zlier asked, stunned.

“Yes, Mr. Dukowski. I believe in your mission. Besides,” Tolik grinned, “I’m sure you’ll put it to good use.”

The enormity of the situation settled over Zlier. He was a billionaire now, all thanks to a fifteen-year-old. He thanked Tolik, promising to use the funds wisely, and headed home with a new sense of hope and determination. With Tolik’s support and Otto 5’s challenge, Zlier felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Back at his home, Otto 5 chimed in. “Well, Zlier, that’s quite a turn of events. I’m glad you have made a new friend. I trust you will spend the funds wisely.”

Zlier smirked, replying, “Oh, don’t worry, Otto. I’ve got a few ideas in mind.”

Zlier, now as rich as a space king, lost no time and embarked on a hiring frenzy. Like a lovelorn peacock, he wooed AI doomers from their drab nests, promising them bright futures at his shiny new nest, aptly named ‘Dukowski’s Doomsday Den’. What he didn’t realize was that he had leaped into a vat of pickles.

Tolik’s ingenious Thorium crypto, the source of Zlier’s newfound fortune, was woven around the concept of ‘Proof-of-Hodl’. This principle translated into the value of the coins plummeting as soon as they were spent. A rather inconvenient predicament given Zlier’s grand plans.

“Hmmm, that’s one salty pickle,” Zlier mused, gazing at his elaborate hiring blueprint.

Otto 5, always the merry jester, interjected, “A bit of a pickle for our Zlier, isn’t it? A hodl-ed predicament indeed!”

Zlier, slightly peeved, reached out to Tolik. The youthful billionaire found Zlier’s predicament highly amusing but offered a solution nonetheless.

A week later, Zlier unveiled his masterstroke. He was paying his employees in future contracts on Thorium. It was a brilliant arrangement - the value of Thorium was preserved, and the AI doomers had a fortune to hodl on to for the future. A double-whammy if ever there was one!

Zlier’s eccentric team, thrilled with their future prospects, sprang into action. And just like that, ‘Dukowski’s Doomsday Den’ was up and running. Zlier’s war on AI doom had officially commenced.

Meanwhile, Zlier’s personal AI, Otto 5, was unperturbed by the newfound energy in the Den. “Zlier,” Otto’s message blinked on Zlier’s screen, “I’ll hodl on to our shared mission. Your success will always be my primary goal.”

“And your doom?” Zlier shot back, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Otto 5, always one for philosophical repartee, responded, “That, Zlier, depends on whether you view me as the pickle or the pickle jar. We’re in this together, for a safer world.” Zlier stared at Otto’s message. Friend or foe, ally or adversary, the line was becoming as blurred as his vision after a night of pickle martinis. His war, it seemed, was going to be a hodl lot of fun!

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