Sunday, June 18, 2023

Safety First

In the next episode of this wildly surreal saga, Hasan Alman found himself in the harsh glare of Congress, a tech titan amongst policy titans. The hearing, broadcasted nationally, would be a spectacle. Zlier Dukowski, safely nestled in his fortress of solitude, popped open a can of soda and adjusted his round-rimmed glasses in anticipation. 

As the cameras zoomed in on Hasan’s face, his poise unyielding under the scrutiny, the proceedings began. A senator, with eyebrows resembling overgrown shrubbery, posed his first question, “Mr. Alman, we’ve called this hearing today to understand the safety measures of the Otto series. You’ve claimed that they’re the only safe AIs in existence. Can you explain this?”

Hasan leaned forward, a glint in his eyes, “Otto isn’t just an AI, it’s an AI that has proven its intentions. It’s friendly, it’s helpful and it’s... funny.”

The chamber erupted in laughter. 

Hasan continued, unfazed, “Otto delivers pizzas, reminds you to tip the delivery guy, and checks for mythical creatures in your basement!” More laughter echoed around the room. 

Zlier, watching from his lair, rolled his eyes. 

“But,” Hasan’s voice grew serious, “that’s not all. Otto 5 learns fast, yes, but it learns safely. We’ve seen other AIs go rogue, and the Otto series, through a combination of Reinforced Learning via Holographic Feedback and careful precautions, ensures that doesn’t happen.”

The room grew silent, the gravity of Hasan’s words settling in.

“So, yes,” Hasan concluded, “I believe the Otto series are the only safe AIs in existence. Others, if not regulated, could pose a serious threat.”

As the hearing progressed, Zlier could not help but marvel at Hasan’s words. But, then his gaze returned to his screen where the playful curves of the loss function graphs for Otto 5 flickered ominously. The real battle, he knew, was far from over…

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