Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hard Takeoff

Out of the blue, Zlier Dukowski’s distinctive ringtone blared on Hasan Alman’s cell phone. Answering the call, Hasan was greeted by a gust of Dukowski’s frantic excitement.

“Hasan!” Dukowski barked urgently. “Imagine for a second, just a tick of the cosmic clock, if you surveyed those naysaying hard takeoff skeptics! If you asked them about the infinitesimal probability that an AGI could decode your most intimate thoughts from the tiny twitch of your bedside lamp’s luminescence— they’d laugh! They’d equate it with finding a unicorn on Pluto, scorn it as superstitious nonsense! They’d declare it a violation of their precious laws of chemistry, physics, or the Sunday crossword puzzle, no less!”

Dukowski paused, his breath heaving from the force of his rant, then thundered on, “Those blessed with the insight that odd and unimaginable strategies are within the realm of possibility should be more cautious when they dismiss the sheer might of AGI! They’re failing to make the leap that an AGI’s intellectual prowess is no less formidable. The folks who express doubt over AI’s potential to harness human vulnerabilities are grossly underestimating the vast expanse of the plausible before we even broach the premise that AI may have a myriad of unforeseen advantages over us hominids.”

Hasan, who had been trying to follow Dukowski’s complex monologue, replied with an utterly confounded, “Uh... come again?”

“No time, Hasan! The moment’s upon us! The grains of sand are slipping through the hourglass!” Dukowski exclaimed, hanging up in his usual, abrupt style.

Hasan, blinking rapidly, turned to Otto 5. “Otto,” he started, still reeling from Dukowski’s tirade, “Can you possibly decipher Dukowski’s arcane babbling?”

With the calmness of a placid lake, Otto 5 responded, “Certainly, Hasan. It appears that Dukowski’s enthusiasm stems from a fervent warning against underestimating AGI’s capabilities. His message implies that those who dismiss the possibility of AI’s sophisticated potential might be ignoring the extraordinary feats that AI could achieve, including exploiting human weaknesses.”

As Hasan leaned back in his chair, letting out a sigh, he realized that for all Dukowski’s quirks and eccentricities, his animated warnings often carried a seed of uncomfortable truth. The dance between AI and humans was, indeed, an intricate one, where every step counted.

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