Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Under the glaring studio lights, Zlier Dukowski, the eccentrically engaging AI expert, prepared to once again delve into his vehement theories about the imminent AI doom. A veteran of such debates, he looked expectantly at the young journalist sitting across from him. Her eyes twinkled with excitement and curiosity, the trademark signs of a reporter ready to dive into the rabbit hole with him.

“See,” he began, in his typical forceful tone, “the essential comprehension of the simplicity and complexity of AI doom, the bifurcation of its ease and difficulty, demands a meticulous journey through a thorny list of prerequisites. It’s not like I leapfrogged this critical stage. On the contrary, others have attempted to skim the surface of my intricate notes, gloss over the depths of my insights.”

He held up a finger, a grin dancing on his lips, “And those who dare not skim, those who shy away from the labyrinthine architecture of my thoughts, invariably lose all orientation. Their ignorance is the exclusive architect of any disagreement they may have with my infallible theories.”

His tone softened slightly, like a professor addressing an eager student. “Humanity’s essential benevolence,” he continued, “sprouted not from a universal, convergent process but from an idiosyncratic local dance, complete with bizarre steps that appeared to veer from the choreography of optimization. This convoluted dance has stages that resemble inner mesa-optimizers and steps that seem like stark deviations from logical reasoning.”

Dukowski paused to sip his coffee, letting his words hang in the air before he moved on. “If you invest time and effort to understand this complex choreography, which is steeped in the multifaceted academia of evolutionary psychology, biology, anthropology, primatology, genetics, neuroscience, cognitive science, economics, decision theory, and game theory, plus a sprinkling of cultural history, then and only then can you begin to fathom the difficulty of infusing niceness into AI.”

His voice rose dramatically as he drove home his point, “This dance is so intricate, the steps so dizzyingly complex, that comprehending it fully is beyond the reach of anyone—save for me, of course!”

Dukowski finished his lengthy monologue with a self-assured nod, looking triumphant. Across the table, the journalist stared at him, her eyes wide, completely enraptured by his passionate performance. The potency of his words, although opaque and laden with esoteric references, had clearly left a profound impact.

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