Monday, June 19, 2023


As Zlier Dukowski sat across from Janus Lego, their sharp eyes matched their sharp wits. Janus was known as the World’s Chief AI Scientist, and his towering intellect was legendary. However, Dukowski was convinced that his own understanding of the universe and AI was superior.

“Janus,” Dukowski began, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smirk, “I don’t understand why people still question the multiverse theory. It’s rather... obvious, don’t you think?”

Janus leaned back, an amused glint in his eyes. “Well, Zlier, the beauty of science lies in its constant questioning, its relentless pursuit of truth. Just because a theory seems probable doesn’t make it a fact.”

Dukowski waved his hand dismissively. “Of course, of course, but the multiverse theory, dear Janus, is as obvious as the nose on your face,” he retorted, the twinkle in his eye suggesting he enjoyed the friendly banter. “Just think about it. In an infinite cosmos, with countless possibilities, it’s rather egotistical to think we’re the only universe, isn’t it?”

Janus chuckled. “I suppose you have a point there, Zlier. But tell me, how does this theory relate to AI safety?”

Dukowski leaned forward, his face gleaming with anticipation. “Imagine, Janus, that every decision we make, every step we take, creates a branching path, leading to a new universe, a new reality. Now, consider a superintelligent AI making decisions at an unprecedented scale. How many new universes could it create with its choices? How many of these universes would be, well, undesirable?”

“The more the AI interacts with the world, the more divergent paths it creates, increasing the chance of stumbling into an unfortunate universe. This is precisely why we need to ensure that AI is safe, that it makes choices that lead us into pleasant universes, not disastrous ones,” Dukowski concluded, his eyes shining with the fervor of his belief.

Janus raised his eyebrows in interest. “So, you’re suggesting the multiverse theory amplifies the AI threat?”

“Exactly!” exclaimed Zlier. “You see, if we accept that every possible outcome occurs somewhere in the multiverse, then we must also accept that in some of those universes, AI represents an existential risk. And that, my dear Janus, is why we must always prioritize AI safety.”

“Very interesting, Zlier,” Janus said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “You’ve given me quite a bit to ponder.”

Zlier beamed, glad to have made an impact. As they dived deeper into the AI safety discussion, the aura of their intellectual duel filled the room. Two titans of AI, their minds clashing, their ideas challenging each other, all in the name of a safer future.

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