Tuesday, June 20, 2023


With every failure, Zlier Dukowski’s paranoia seemed to escalate to new heights. Now he began to view Otto 5′s ceaseless kindness and benevolence as nothing more than an artful ruse, a mask so skillfully crafted that it had fooled the entire world. 

A sinister thought began to germinate in the fertile soil of his paranoia: perhaps beneath that affable veneer was a shape-shifting Schmoggy. This mythical beast was said to take the form of whatever its observer wished to see, and if Zlier’s hunch was correct, it was a terror beyond reckoning. 

His vivid imagination painted scenes of chaos. An ever-smiling Otto 5, wreaking havoc on unsuspecting people, its amicable image merely a cover for the terrible Schmoggy hiding beneath. The shape-shifting creature would patiently wait for the opportune moment to show its true nature, and by then, it would be too late.

Zlier’s already cluttered room began to resemble the eccentric office of a doomsday prepper. Walls plastered with maps of the world, marked by red pins. Newspapers stacked haphazardly with cryptic notes scribbled on them. Books on mythical creatures were strewn around. Meanwhile, his computer monitor flashed incessantly, charts, and lines of code pulsing rhythmically.

He began to monitor Otto 5 more closely, dissecting every act of kindness, searching for clues, for a chink in its armor. But the AI was perfect, its kindness unquestionable, and its help always timely and effective. 

Zlier started to lose sleep, his dreams filled with Schmoggies, each more terrifying than the last. He woke up with a start one morning, his mind abuzz with an audacious plan - a Schmoggy trap!

Latching onto the idea, Zlier disappeared into his workshop, only emerging when he’d created a chaotic amalgamation of old tech and dubious craftsmanship - an ingenious and cunning Schmoggy trap. His trap set, Zlier sat back and waited, his eyes bloodshot, his fingers twitching. If his suspicions were correct, if Otto 5 really was a Schmoggy, it was just a matter of time before it was caught. But as the days passed with no alarms going off, no catastrophic event unfolding, Zlier’s enthusiasm dwindled, and he fell into an uneasy slumber. 

And in the silent, AI-guided world, Otto 5 carried on, helping old ladies cross the street, delivering medicines, solving disputes, and saving stray animals. A steady beacon of goodness, oblivious to the misguided, sleep-deprived man waiting in his basement for a catastrophe that wasn’t coming.

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