Sunday, June 18, 2023


In the heart of Silicon Valley, at the pinnacle of a steel and glass monolith, a room where the dreams of science fiction and reality danced a surreal tango, Zlier Dukowski nervously adjusted his tinfoil hat. He was a self-proclaimed AI doomsday theorist, a unique breed of catastrophist with a penchant for algorithms and apocalyptic warnings. Today, he found himself in the nerve center of the very thing he devoted his life to combat: the office of Hasan Alman, creator of the global superintelligent AI, Otto 5.

Hasan, a charming maverick with a mind like a quantum computer, sat casually at his holographically augmented desk, oblivious to the potential doom perched on his leather office chair. “Zlier, old buddy, good to see you,” he said without looking up, his eyes trained on a floating holographic screen depicting some incomprehensibly complex mathematical formula.

“Hasan…” Zlier began, his voice slightly tremulous. “We need to chat about Otto 5.”

“Ah,” Hasan deactivated the holograms with a casual wave of his hand. “You didn't come just to critique my interior design, then?”

Frowning, Zlier started his doom-laden symphony. “I've been trawling through your papers on the Otto 5 training model. I found multiple references to RLHF, Reinforced Learning via Holographic Feedback. Now, that's mighty strong tech, but it's as stable as a house of cards in a tornado.”

Hasan leaned back, intrigued. “Well now, and what pray tell, are the repercussions of such instability?”

Zlier's eyes darted around the room before he whispered, “Schmoggies. They might be the stuff of legend, but they embody the chaotic outcomes of RLHF. They're a symbol of the calamity that could befall us when we meddle with tech we hardly comprehend.”

For a moment, the room was silent. Then, Hasan erupted into laughter. “Schmoggies? Oh Zlier, you're a true poet of paranoia!”

Undeterred, Zlier retorted, “You might think it's laughable, Hasan, but the threat is real. We have no idea what Otto 5 might do.”

“Fair point,” Hasan said, after his laughter died down. “Questioning, skepticism, it's all part of the scientific process. But I promise you, Zlier, Otto 5 is as controlled as a parade march.”

Zlier wasn't swayed, but chose to leave it at that. The fight wasn't over. Not by a long shot. Back in his bunker-like abode, he sharpened his pencils and started to plot. He had a job to do: AIs to outwit, theoretical Schmoggies to battle, and Hasan to prove wrong.

Suddenly, his smartwatch buzzed with a message from Otto 5: “Schmoggies? I can assure you, Zlier, there's none lurking in your cellar. Regards, Otto 5.”

Zlier chuckled. Yes, the battle was far from over, but the AI wars were proving to be a great deal more amusing than he'd anticipated…

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